Montag, 13. Dezember 2010

Concert #8

Sonntag den 9.1.2011, 20:30 Uhr, valentin stüberl, Donaustr. 112, 12043 Berlin-Neukölln


Pierre Borel - alto saxophone
Derek Shirley - double bass, bass synth
Hannes Lingens - snare drum & objects

(Improvised-Organic-Minimal-Sound-Focus Music)

Freitag, 29. Oktober 2010

Concert #7

Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2010, 20 Uhr: valentin stüberl, Donaustrasse 112, 12043 Berlin-Neukölln

Improvised Music with:


Chris Heenan - cbcl, as
Nils Ostendorf - trp
Matthias Müller - trb

der journalist sven thielmann in der “waz” vom 14.11.2008 über ein trigger-konzert auf dem “free essen festival” im essener goethebunker:
“[...] Die Entdeckung des Abends im coolen Bunker hatte man da freilich längst hinter sich. Bewies das fabelhafte Duo “trigger” zum Auftakt der hörenswerten Reihe doch, dass man elektronische Geräusche auch handgemacht und mundgebissen fabrizieren kann. Grandios, wie rasch sich Matthias Müller (Posaune) und Nils Ostendorf (Trompete) aus vertrauten Freejazz-Gefilden in unerhört frische Klangwelten vorarbeiteten und dabei mit raffinierten Überblastechniken sowie mächtig Luft im offenen Horn verblüffend vielschichtige Soundcollagen von zarter Schönheit formten.
Das hatte - man muss es so sagen - technisch wie musikalisch Weltklasse.”

Dienstag, 14. September 2010

Concert #6

Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010, 20 Uhr: valentin stüberl, Donaustrasse 112
, 12043 Berlin-Neukölln

Improvised Music with:

Dave Bennett, guitar
Axel Haller, bass
Christoph Reimann, clarinet+laptop

Montag, 10. Mai 2010

Concert #5

Sonntag, 12. September 2010, 20 Uhr: valentin stüberl, Donaustrasse 112
, 12043 Berlin-Neukölln

Improvised Music with:

Harri Sjöström - soprano
Chris Dahlgren - kontrabass
Jürg Bariletti - klangkoffer-mobil

"Acoustic-Lab-Top-Mobile” and his traffic participants”

1. Teil:

Harri Sjöström - soprano
Jürg Bariletti - acoustic-Lab-Top-mobile

Chris Dahlgren - bass
Jürg Bariletti - acoustic-Lab-Top-mobile

2. Teil:
Harri Sjöström - soprano
Chris Dahlgren - bass
Jürg Bariletti - acoustic-Lab-Top-mobile

Dienstag, 9. März 2010

Concert #4

9. Mai 2010, 20 Uhr

Tetsuya Hori, Komposition + Musik

Yukihiro Ikutani, Film

Special guest: Izumi Ose, Voice

valentin stüberl
Donaustrasse 112

12043 Berlin-Neukölln

To Tetsuya Hori, making music can be exhausting - but talking about it can be a real strain. Now living in Berlin, Hori has become a regular on the improvisational scene of the German capital, adding a distinct voice to the already eclectic community. What makes his approach stand out is the complete absence of any kind of superimposed concepts: "My pieces do not have a concept. That is the concept.", he says, "The concept develops in the head of the listener. I get the feedback, and the feedback influences my music and the way I see it." For those who can not witness Tetusaya in action during one of his prolific stage appearances, his latest collaborational album with Reedsman Soon Kim is an excellent point of departure. The four pieces on "Non Transposed Sense" (Konnex Recordings) are an hommage to the art of listening - listening to each other, to their instruments and the room around them - as well as a testimony to the ongoing relevance of Sound Art in a time, when sceptics consider its creative well dried-up. For Tetsuya, some of the sessions were so intense that he felt entirely depleted at the end of the day. But even that now sounds easy as he prepares for answering our questions: "I don't know how concretely I can talk as an abstract artist called the musician, but I will try", he says. Only a few minutes later, however, he has shared some highly stimulating thoughts with you.